How it Works

Am I Eligible?

You are eligible to apply for tickets through Tickets for Troops if:

  • You are a serving member of HM Armed Forces with a valid MOD 90 (Service ID Card)
  • Have been medically discharged from the Forces since the commencement of military action in Afghanistan in 2001
  • You have been awarded a medical pension by the Ministry of Defence and discharged after 2001
  • You are the next of kin to a service person who has died as a result of their service

Serving members include both Regulars and Reserves, membership is not open to Cadet Forces, Officer Cadets nor MOD Civil Servants.

You will be required to verify that you are eligible to use Ticket For Troops.


How Do I Get My Hands On These Tickets?

To register: before having access to any tickets you will need to register with us. Do this by clicking on the Register/ Login icon on the top right hand corner of the homepage and fill out your details. Once registered, you will then be issued with a password via email.

To login: click on the Register/ Login icon, enter your username and password and click LOGIN.

To apply for tickets: find the event you want to go to by using the search and ticket finder functions, select ‘Book Tickets’ next to the event you have chosen and fill out the required details in order to a.) receive tickets on a first come, first serve basis or b.) be entered for the ballot.

If you have entered into a ballot we will then notify you by email or telephone if you have been successful with your application.

Receiving tickets: your tickets may either be posted or emailed to you, or made available for collection at the venue. For Two Step Booking events, a link will be included in your SEE Tickets booking confirmation email for you to book your tickets as a condition of entry – please check the booking page and your confirmation email for this information.

If you have not received a confirmation email and reference number it is likely that your order has not been completed. Firstly, search your inbox for If you still cannot find it, please email

What Are The Rules And Regulations?

  • Each member is entitled to one account only. Multiple accounts will be blocked and removed.
  • The registered member must be in attendance at an event but they may use the additional tickets to take friends and family along as their guests. 
  • To enable all members to have a chance of being able to apply for and attend events, you must not book in excess of 15 first come, first serve events per year and understand that we will close your account if you do so. 
  • If tickets are available for collection from the venue you will be required to present your MoD 90 (Service ID) or valid form of ID if you have been medically discharged at the box office to receive your tickets.
  • If your tickets have been sent to you by post, please expect random ID checks at the event.
  • Any booking made using an open source anonymous service email address will be cancelled and the account will be suspended.
  • All first come, first serve events will require a non-refundable £5 booking fee.
  • Please ensure you read all the information provided on confirmation emails.
  • It is a criminal offence to tout tickets obtained through TFT. The Ministry of Defence and the Police will be notified if a member is caught doing so. This offence is taken very seriously and Tickets For Troops will request the strongest repercussions possible.
  • Failure to attend an event without giving the Tickets For Troops team sufficient notice will result in your account being suspended.
  • Members are not permitted to pass tickets on, even for no monetary gain. 
  • To prevent fraud and protect Tickets For Troops, we may carry out checks and/or you may be asked to provide additional information (such as proof of eligibility to the charity) after your booking so we can verify your tickets. If we suspect fraud we may cancel any order or tickets and report this to Action Fraud, the military police and your Chain of Command.
  • In most cases, Tickets For Troops members and their guests will be appreciative towards the Tickets For Troops team and their donors but a minority are abusive and aggressive over the phone and via email. Please note this is not tolerated by Tickets For Troops and any behaviour like this will jeopardise an individuals usage of the charity and their membership may be terminated."

Football Tickets

Due to the regulations set out by the Football Association and the popularity of the game, further booking rules apply to the booking of football tickets. 

The Football Association states that: "All clubs are issued with a standard set of Ground Regulations. These posters are displayed at the entrances to and inside the stadium. The Ground Regulations make it clear that entrance to the stadium is subject to acceptance by the visitor of these Ground Regulations. The Regulations specify the list of articles that cannot be brought into the stadium and they give the stewards the right to search any or all spectators and to remove offenders from the stadium. 

The following behaviours are expressly forbidden: 

  • the throwing of any object unauthorised entry onto the playing area 
  • the use of threatening behaviour or racist, homophobic or foul and abusive language
  • persistent standing in a seated area 
  • smoking in any area inside the stadium
  • attempting to enter the ground whilst drunk 
  • possessing alcohol when entering the ground or in a part of the ground from which the event can be directly viewed 
  • entering a part of the ground reserved for supporters of the opposing team.

Your ballot entries, booking record and the team you enter as your preferred team on your TFT profile will all be taken into consideration when we check for away fan bookings. Regardless of your guest's preference of team, if you are an away fan your order will be cancelled. In some cases neutral fans will also have orders cancelled when it is specifically noted on the event page which fans are permitted to book tickets. Persistent attempts to attend matches as an away fan will result in your membership being withdrawn. 

Members who do not enter their team on their TFT profile will not be offered balloted football tickets - these MUST go to home fans. 

For first come - first served football games, there is a limit of three home games, per season, per team unless otherwise advised by the donor. 

Code of Conduct


  • The Tickets For Troops account must be registered under the member's name and personal details, and used solely by them.
  • All tickets must be booked by the Tickets For Troops member and in their name and details.
  • The registered member must be in attendance at an event but they may use the additional tickets to take friends and family along as their guests. 
  • Tickets must be booked in the Tickets For Troops’ member’s details only.
  • It is a criminal offence to tout tickets obtained through Tickets For Troops. The Ministry of Defence and the Police will be notified if a member is caught doing so. This offence is taken very seriously and Tickets For Troops will request the strongest repercussions possible.


  • Tickets For Troops is a civilian organisation and is not part of the military. The charity is run independently and is not affiliated with the Welfare department or any of their policies.
  • Tickets For Troops does not tolerate any members or their guests being abusive and aggressive to Tickets For Troops’ staff. Any behaviour like this will jeopardise an individual's usage of the charity and their membership will be terminated. Any serious offences will be passed onto the MOD.  


  • Occasionally we receive reports of bad behaviour including aggression, heckling and abuse by members and their guests at events. Such reports bring Tickets For Troops and the Armed Forces in disrepute and are detrimental to our relationships with donors. Such behaviour will lead to disciplinary actions.


  • Tickets For Troops may have to take disciplinary action against members who fail to follow our code of conduct. This will include termination of membership and Tickets For Troops informing the MOD.

I Would Like To Find Out More, Where Should I Go?

Please check out our FAQ page for more information.

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