Two Step Booking - your questions answered

Over the last year we have seen our member numbers grow massively after the decline during you know what. Since the recovery of events we have introduced Two Step Booking which admittedly can be a bit fiddly and requires a little extra effort so we're here to explain why its good, why it's bad and why it's here to stay!

Here to stay.

All of the tickets we receive and make available to you are donated by organisations, venues, promoters etc. Part of the deal is they decide how tickets are distributed, during the covid year many organisations took the opportunity to implement new ticket systems so that all tickets were now via email or on apps. TFT receives these tickets as special links where you can book directly with the supplier which is a lot easier for them - and as they are giving the tickets for free we want to make sure they are happy! In turn we need to charge for booking and accessing these links, the usual £5 fee which makes up almost the entirety of our funding. Your fees keep TFT open!

The Good

  • You choose your seats, all seated events will take you to a seat map where you can pick out where you want to sit. For many events you can also add and pay for more seats if you would like over the maximum permitted. 
  • Tickets are on your phone, no more waiting for the postman or praying the post room at your camp will get them in time!
  • Higher ticket volumes, because this method is so efficient donors are keen to push more tickets our way as they can see them being taken up in real time.

The Bad

  • There are often additional fees, these are nominal and kept as low as possible. Eg. you may pay £5.00 for the link then an additional £2.95 at the second stage but that still pretty great value for four tickets! Any additional fees will be noted on the event page and in your See Tickets Booking confirmation email, so you know up front!
  • Occasionally a link may run out of inventory, if members book two tickets on TFT then claims four at the second stage this will throw the inventory off. Please book and order the same amounts and use all your tickets or send them to us so we can redistribute them. 
  • It's just a bit more of an effort isn't it! We promise we've done our best to make it as seamless as possible. 
  • Please remember If you do not follow the steps and accidentally pay full price for tickets, we cannot refund the price you have paid. Please make sure that if you are having issues with a link that you get in touch with us immediately so we can help you.

As Whitney Houston once sang... How Will I Know (if its two-step booking)?

We always add a tick box to the event that you must check to proceed with your booking and it says:  "I understand that this is a two step booking process and I will need to follow the instructions in my SEE Tickets Confirmation email to secure my tickets." Furthermore the ticket type will say "Two Step Booking". So no excuses!

To make the most of this system book ASAP, as soon as that confirmation reaches your inbox give it a read through - there are often special instructions to follow, then click the link and secure your tickets. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this article, we hope you found it useful. 

Team TFT x